Parenting Coach



Caroline Griswold

My work with families is guided by Magda Gerber's Educaring® Approach, or RIE® (Resources for Infant Educarers), which respects babies as whole, capable people from birth. Through our careful attention to, curiosity about, and connection with our babies, we sow the seeds for resilient, self-confident children. I work one-on-one with families and facilitate groups and workshops for parents who want to learn more about the Educaring® Approach and respectful parenting. One of the main elements I weave into my work with families is helping parents to foster open, empathic communication with their children from the start.

I am passionate about helping parents find more joy and ease in their parenting—and partnerships—through creating authentic, respectful relationships with their children. I work primarily with families who have at least one child between the ages of 0–3, and particularly love working with families to navigate the toddler years with greater connection and more fun.Mary Johnston, CCH

Fertile Ground Parenting  